I’ve given the Kittens Lasers!

My wife and I have been fostering kittens for a little over 2 years. When we first started, Amanda asked if we could foster and I said “sure, if I can live stream it” (she agreed but really, in the beginning, she wasn’t onboard)

Almost a year ago (Sep 7th, 2018) thanks to Phil Ranta and Mobcrush I moved the stream from simply being a facebook stream to a multicast stream adding youtube, twitch and a site I’d never heard of, Mixer to our broadcast lineup. Mixer caught wildfire and it became our main focus. 

What caught my eye was Mixer’s interactive console Mixplay, I soon learned how to create a simple camera switcher giving our viewers the controls. Graphics overlays we a snap. and now…

Today I’m announcing Phase 1 of LASERS!

Right now the laser is stationary. Viewers can trigger it for 30-second bursts. In a month or so I’ll be adding a rotating disco ball!

What a time to be alive!


#kittens #lasers