Get ready for the Cat Toy Catapult!

We teamed up with the Clawsome folks at SwitchDoc Labs, creators of the MouseAir a device that can detect cats and Launch a toy mouse in response!

MouseAir – Uses via a Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence to Identify a Cat and fires a toy mouse, using 3D printed parts and pieces from SwitchDoc Labs, all on a Raspberry Pi.

They sent us one;

Check out the Mouse Air here, currently fundraising on Kickstarter. They’ve already hit their goal and things can only get bigger and better the more people who support them.

We’re talking directly with SwitchDoc Labs in the hope to turn their device into an interactive element where you the viewer can also launch a mouse!

If you want more information on the Mouse Air check our their Kickstarter which has about 2 weeks left to go – right here: