- Short Community Chat this time
- Clipping is coming! Sam Gets the OBS clipping setup and on screen replay is close behind!
- Camera 5 is coming! We should have the GoPro set up this week
- Adoption listings are up on Kittenrescue.org (Eleven, Dustin, Joyce)
- Our biggest needs from the wishlist are wet food & Litter
- And more!
Special thanks to our recent donators:
- Previous adopters Taylor & Will (who adopted Sansa & Bri) dropped off a couple of cases of wet food!
- Meanz25
Next Chat:
Thursday 9:00-ish pm PST
We do community chat’s 3 times a week to give updates on the kittens, talk to our community and answer questions on the kittens, our lives, fostering and more.
Can’t Make it to our Community Chat? Leave a Question in the comments!

SamProof has been creating videos and live streams since 2005. He currently works for Mobcrush.com and is the creator of Cuteavalanche and the livestream.
Hello how are you guys doing and I love the mother cat and can I name her
Thanks Erin, we have a name poll running Momma and her babies over at https://cuteavalanche.com/nameus