As fosters, we pretty much always assume the kittens that come through our doors are all domestic shorthair hybrids. Some have shown some characteristics of different fancy pants breeds; Siamese, ragdoll, snowshoes, Scottish fold, and even one or two Russian Blue. All breeds that would fetch a pretty penny – but to us, all cats are the same! PRICELESS!

However, our recent bi eyed Shelby Kittens Tommy & Ada maybe something more.

We recently received this from their new Adoptive dad:

Here are a couple of snaps of Hermione and Professor (Ada and Tommy). I have better ones on my real camera. Just ask if you’re interested – I don/t want to bother you. 

We love the cats and they are settling very well. No issues, no accidents, no problems. Their first trip to the vet is next week. 

Today my wife we looking up cats with different colored eyes online and came across this breed which is pretty new to America. The Khao Manee.

“The Khao Manees are currently probably the rarest feline breed in the world, the prices are relatively high: an adult subject with gold eyes and “defects” (“broken” tail, strabismus, deafness, non-white subject …) is negotiated around US $1,800. On the other hand, a young subject intended for breeding, coming directly from a prestigious breeding program in the West or Thailand, with odd eyes, and having beautiful characteristics, can be negotiated around US $3,500. Certain exceptional subjects with singular eye colors or with very rare features or healing talents can reach up to US $10,000.

– Sam Their New adopter (not your Foster Daddy)

They continued their sleuthing and found more:

Then we found this:
Largely speaking, the Khao Manee is phenotypically a dominant white cat. However, many people are surprised to learn that they are also known
to produce coloured offspring. It all depends on whether the parents are homozygous or heterozygous for the white masking gene (“W”). White is not a colour. It is “epistatic”, and it masks the true colour of the cat. The homozygous Khao Manee will cany two dominant white genes (WW). Heterozygous will carry one gene for epistatic white and one for true colour (Ww). Therefore if two heterozygous cats are mated, a percentage of the kittens born “”rill be homozygous recessive (ww) and will show their true colour. These coloured cats are important, and are used in our breeding programme, being mated back to white Khao Manees.
Apparently cats with oddly colored eyes are the most highly prized. 
The real kicker was this though! (attached)

“The coat is white in colour Sliiny, and mooth, but loose and slightly open. The coat over Ute spine tcnds to break as Ute cat moves. Therc is little undercoat, and length is shorthand but slightly plush. Kittens and young Khao Mance occasionally have a darker patch on the head, which usually disappears al around a year old”
That’s wild right! Sounds like an awful lot of coincidences. They are a perfect match. What do you think? 
We love them both. They will make great pets. Were any Thai people or breeders contacting you? Asking about patches on the head? Did you know?

Seems like the original website no longer exists so we’ve included the pdf with the information they found here

So are Tommy and Ada the extremely rare Khao Manee/Khao Mance? We can’t be sure but the argument is very compelling. Tommy did in fact have a small gray patch on his head that over time lightened considerably. Both cats obviously share the dark gold and blue odd eyes and they defiantly were fans of Pad See Eiw (probably).