After a brief poll in our Discord we decided to add a wiki to our website to create a community sourced knowledge base of all things Cuteavalanche.

What is a Wiki?

Wiki is Hawaiian for “to hurry; fast, quick.” As a noun, wiki means “a website that allows anyone to add, delete, or revise content by using a web browser.” The term wiki is also used as a verb; if you wiki, you are either researching a topic on a wiki or contributing to one.

If you’re familiar with Wikipedia, you probably already get what this is. It’s a fast way to create a library of documents by allowing a community of like mined people add and edit articles.

You can think of the Wiki as an encyclopedia of all things related to Cuteavalanche, first and foremost I see it as a place to honor all of the cats and kittens that have come through our foster program. But if people are interested we can add on pages to remember events like SupurrBowl ’20 and things like that.

How to Do it

Adding to the Cuteavalanche wiki is just as easy as posting in any other social media.

It starts with registering an account

Once you’ve created your account head to the Wiki

Click the ‘Create New Doc‘ Button to start a New Wiki article

Start a New Doc

OR Click on an article that already exists you’d like to contribute to and click the edit tab. (you can also hover on the title and an option to edit will appear).

Click the Edit Tab in an Article

Hovering from the main page presents ‘Read |EDIT| history’ options

Where to Start

Our first main task is to create new docs for all the kittens we’ve ever Fostered, and possibly those that we’ve guest fostered or helped place with other fosters as well.

We have a full list of our fosters available here

Suggested formatting for Wiki Articles is as follows:


Name (category – i.e. Kitten, Litter, Event, etc)


Name (birthday), nickname, was a … breed/coat from the litter…. etc.

For example:

Columbia (8/22/2020) is a Domestic Shorthair, Torte from the Rocky Horror Kitten Show Litter. She and her siblings were fostered in October 2020 with momma Magenta. 

NOTE: There seems to be an issue with adding images to these posts currently, I’m looking in to it. I believe it’s most likely a Javascript conflict and might be something I need to get in touch with my host support about.

So at this point don’t bother trying. I might be able to personally add images on the backend, so if there’s something that you think it’s super important to add right away send me a message (discord, twitter, etc). Which brings me to another thought, this app does have the option for a built in private messaging system, I did NOT activate it. However if people thing it’s useful let me know and I’ll weigh the options for it.

Thank you all in advance for adding/editing these articles!