Los Angeles Foster needed for this gorgeous young Mom.

This is Pepper, she’s about 9 months old and needs a foster who can work with her on socialization. She’s happy being indoors, gets along with other cats, and will lick wet food from your finger (or Nutri-cal, which she likes a lot).

However, she will hiss on approach, and shy away from humans though she will let you pet her if you can get to her. She does not strike or bite.

Pepper came to us with her litter of kittens. She’s spayed & vetted and needs a foster who can dedicate time to socializing her.

We need to focus on the kittens as their dependence on mom has stunted their ability to socialize and they are approaching 7 weeks old, our window to when they should be adoptable is closing fast. We believe mom will also benefit from being away from the kittens. It might be just what she needs to relax and open up to humans a little more.

For more info or if you have questions please email purrfostermama@gmail.com