The History of Cats

Cats are believed to have originated from the African wildcat, a small feline species that lives in the desert and semi-desert regions of Africa and the Middle East.

Prehistoric Times

It is thought that the domestication of cats began around 9,500 years ago, when people in the Fertile Crescent began to settle in permanent settlements and grow crops. The wildcats would have been attracted to these settlements for the food and shelter they provided, and the people would have started to feed and protect the cats in return for their help with controlling pests and rodents.

Southern African Wildcat (Felis sylvestris cafra)

Ancient Egypt

The domestication of cats may also have been influenced by the ancient Egyptian civilization, which revered cats and held them in high regard. Cats were often depicted in Egyptian artwork and were even mummified and buried with their owners. The ancient Egyptians believed that cats brought good luck and prosperity, and they played a significant role in the country’s culture and religion.

Middle Ages to Modern Day

The domestication of cats eventually spread beyond the Fertile Crescent and Egypt, and cats began to be kept as pets in other parts of the world. In the Middle Ages, cats were brought to Europe by traders and were used to control pests on ships. In the 19th and 20th centuries, cat breeds were developed and standardized through selective breeding. Today, there are dozens of recognized cat breeds, ranging from long-haired breeds like Persians and Maine Coons to short-haired breeds like Siamese and Abyssinians.

Basket Buddies

Today, cats are one of the most popular pets in the world, with millions of people owning and caring for them in their homes. They are valued for their companionship, their playful and independent nature, and their ability to control pests and rodents.

Overall, the domestication of cats has been a long and fascinating process, resulting in the beloved pets that millions of people around the world enjoy today.