In honor of our current litter, the Strangepurr Things kittens may I present the catified version of the Never Ending Story Theme song.

Here is the Stranger Things version that inspired us

And now the Catified version:

Tuwn meowround
l00k at wut chu see
in her face
teh mirror of your dweams
make bewieve i’m evwywhere
given in teh light
witten on teh pages
is teh answer to a nvya ‘nding stowy
weach teh stars
fwy a fantaswy
dweam a dweam
and wut chu see wiiwll be
whymes that keep their secwets
wiiwll unfowd behind teh cwouds
and there upon a waynbow
is teh answer to a nvya ‘nding stowy
show nyo fear
fur she may fade claway
in your paw
teh biwth of a mew day
whymes that keep their secwets
wiiwll unfowd behind teh cwouds
and there upon a waynbow
is teh answer to a nvya ‘nding stowy
nvya ‘nding stowy
nvya ‘nding stowy
nvya ‘nding stowy

Dustin smokey black kitten
Dustin appreciates your comments and shares

and honestly, it wouldn’t feel right to. not leave the original, so here’s that as well

Catify your favorite song, or anything with our English to kitten translator

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