Caturday 10/12/19 Chat

Caturday 10/12/19 Chat

We do community chat’s 3 times a week to give updates and answer questions on the kittens, our lives, fostering and more. Here’s our Chat from Saturday morning: We don’t expect you to watch the whole thing, shoot it’s long so here are some bullet points: The Kittens...
Our Furballs in the Furball!

Our Furballs in the Furball!

Kitten Rescue, the rescue we foster through, has an annual fundraising gala called the Furball. It’s a night of dressing up, free drinks, fundraising and of course kittens. As part of the efforts to both fundraise and encourage more fosters to sign up, they...
Fan Art Friday!

Fan Art Friday!

We were really blown away when we saw this Radiclaw when we saw this scroll across our Instagram feed, back in August. Helen is a member of our Goodgame channel and her level of detail when she illustrated the OITNB tabbies...