If you’ve visited our live stream today you’ll have noticed a new occupant in th streaming room on twitch.tv/cuteavalanche.
This adorable, unnamed color point kitten (what, did I mention is adorable? Look at this face!) is the result of Amanda’s first Solo TNR stake out.
What is TNR?
TNR stands for Trap-Neuter-Return. As the name suggests it’s the process of Trapping strays/feral cats, getting them Fixed (Spayed or neutered) and then returning them to the spot they came from.
Known as the most humane and effective method of reducing feral and stray cat populations, Trap Neuter Return is the most effective way to manage feral and stray cats.
How did we get involved in TNR?
As fosters, we’ve had our eyes on TNR as an inevitable future, though we never thought it would happen this soon.
A few nights ago, as we coincidently came home from buying cat food we spotted a kitten on the side of the road in our own neighborhood.
Amanda stopped the car and we watched for a while, spotting a second kitten a slightly larger cat we assumed might be the mom. Amanda got out of the car, and before I could say a peep she’d cracked open a can of food and placed it on the sidewalk between the cats. A small color point kitten approached the food and soon the second kitten, a little black sibling followed their lead. Mom stayed back and watched.
After that we went home to eat our own meal and devised a plan. The following day Amanda took our current fosters to an adoption event and while she was there a fellow Kitten Rescue LA foster dropped off two humane traps.
That night Amanda made her way to a stake out and waited.
While we’d both committed to her being gone for several hours, with in 90 minutes the the color point kitten had shown up, entered the trap and was in the back of her car. Amanda waited around to see if the second kitten showed up, or any of the numerous teen and adult cats would make their way into the trap. They did not.
So now we’re observing the area to keep an eye out for the kitten and we’ll organize a second TNR night for those adult cats
What’s gonna happen to the Kitten?
As it happens, the Kitten will NOT be TNR’d but as suspected she’s prime for fostering and then adoption.
You can see in this live stream archive clip, she was ready to be pet and even starting purring the very next morning
And now she’s moved into our main foster room where she can be seen on Twitch
What About Taking in Giving Tuesday Fosters?
If you’ve been following along, and popped in our weekly live stream chats (we answer questions live on Twitch – you can find our schedule on our Google Calendar) you know we’ve been fundraising for the upcoming Kitten Rescue Giving Tuesday ‘Clear the Shelter’ mission, AND we’ve already committed to taking fosters from the shelter!
We have a delicate balance of timing happening and if all goes well, and this kitty is healthy she’ll go through her isolation (ISO) period and wrap that up before Giving Tuesday. At that time, she’ll move from the foster room to the cat condo and the new shelter kittens will take over the foster room.

SamProof has been creating videos and live streams since 2005. He currently works for Mobcrush.com and is the creator of Cuteavalanche and the livestream.
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